
  • Choose one of our brands
  • BerryFresh
  • BestChoice
  • Calinda
  • Ready to Eat


Special Fruit’s best pick:  the BestChoice brand

Some of nature's produce is hard to evaluate without damaging it. The difference between ripe and unripe is impossible to detect in, for example, a pomegranate.  How fresh is a passion fruit? How much wood does an asparagus contain? Impossible to see...

And some exotics are so specialised that few traders have the expertise to assess their quality and make a distinction between 'very good' and 'alright'.

For such produce, Special Fruit provides a special seal of approval:  'BestChoice'. 'BestChoice' guarantees quality, ripeness and homogeneity. It sets a standard in a market that, until recently, lacked such benchmarks.

See this brand's products

Asparagus - green

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Asparagus - white

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Asparagus tips green

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Asparagus tips white

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Baby pineapple

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Nashi pear

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Passion fruit

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Rawit pepper

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Sugar snaps

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Sweet potato

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Turmeric - Curcuma

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